Bishop Reginald & Pastor Tanika Dean

The history of Fresh Manna Church is full of God’s miracles and the vision is full of God’s purpose and plan.

 God spoke to Bishop Reginald Dean to found a non-denominational church named Fresh Manna Church in August 2000.  Bishop R. Dean stepped out on faith in what God had spoken with very little support, no building to worship in, no musician to play music, no chairs to sit people, no praise team, no deacon, and most importantly…no people.  Surprisingly over thirty attended and heard an anointed, convicting, and encouraging message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from this young, but bold Pastor.  It was clear that God’s hand was on this ministry from the very start.

After praying the prayer of agreement together, FMM immediately began believing God for a building.  In less than a month after the first service, the ministry was led to the city of Everman, TX.  Shortly thereafter, Fresh Manna acquired its current location in the city of Fort Worth, TX.

 Since August 2000, lives have been completely changed and souls have been won to the kingdom of God. 

The Word of God has continued to go out in power with signs and wonders following. 

Aside from vital ministries within the church, Fresh Manna faithfully supports local and international outreach ministries.  Over the years, FMM has faithfully served the Presbyterian Night Shelter of Fort Worth.  This support has consisted of monthly donations of tens of thousands of men and women’s toiletries such as razors and shampoo, clothing, and paper goods to support the homeless of the city of Fort Worth.  In addition, after responding to a call to support Israel, FMM is a faithful supporter of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.  This Christian ministry provides support to the desperate needs of Jewish children, immigrants, and elderly during Israel’s difficult time.

Currently, Fresh Manna is building a new sanctuary and facility to expand our outreach efforts to the community.

Since the inception of Fresh Manna Church, God has been faithful.  As a church family, we stand on God’s Wordwhich says, “But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.”

I Corinthians 2:9